Friday, 29 August 2008

Video Game Tattoos

Yes we all love games but some people go to the extent of having their favourite game characters tattooed on their body. Pretty cool I must say especially when you can show it off to your friends.

Convert your Old TV into a Fish Tank

Since we’re environmentally aware and we really want to recycle as much as we can, we thought we’d show you a little trick for your old TV set - how to turn it into an aquarium. Naturally, the tube will have to come out and replaced with the aquarium. Fish swimming are certainly more relaxing to see than some of the shitty shows and news we get fed on a daily basis. Kitty seems to like it too!

Thursday, 28 August 2008

The Top 10 Best Attack Helicopter in the World

The Top 10 Best Attack Helicopter in the World.

Lego Vs. Real Life

Sometimes beautiful, sometimes strange, sometimes you wanna cry... This is real life photo gallery Vs. lego life. Everything is much prettier in unreal lego world. Enjoy viewing it!